Mark Hamill |
Carrie Fisher |
Harrison Ford |
Alec Guinness |
Peter Cushing |
David Prowse |
Luke Skywalker |
Princess Leia Organa |
Han Solo |
Obi-Wan Kenobi |
Grand Moff Tarkin |
Darth Vader |
Kenny Baker |
Anthony Daniels |
Peter Mayhew |
Shelagh Fraser |
James Earl Jones |
R2D2 |
C3PO |
CZ3 |
Chewbacca |
Aunt Beru |
Phil Brown |
Denis Lawson |
George Roubicek |
Drewe Henley |
Malcolm Tierney |
Don Henderson |
Uncle Owen |
Commander Praji |
Red Leader |
Lieutenant Shann Childsen |
General Taggi |
Leslie Schofield |
Richard LeParmentier |
Shane Rimmer |
Harry Fielder |
Christopher Muncke |
Eddie Eddon |
Commander #1 |
General Motti |
InCom Engineer |
Darth Vader's Guard |
Cargo Bay Officer |
Lieutenant Pello Scrambas |
Eddie Byrne |
Graham Ashley |
Jeremy Sinden |
Robert O'Mahoney |
Angus MacInnes |
William Hootkins |
General Willard Voiced by Michael Bell |
Gold Five |
Gold Two |
Red 10 (Theron Nett) |
Gold Leader |
Red Six (Porkins) |
Colin Higgins |
Garrick Hagon |
Jack Klaff |
Peter Sumner |
Alex McCrindle |
Albert Lampert |
Red Three (Biggs) |
Red Four (John D Branon) |
Lieutenant Pol Treidum |
General Dodonna |
Commander Daine |
Andy Bradford |
Peter Geddis |
Burnell Tucker |
Ted Burnett |
Alfie Curtis |
Tommy Ilsley |
Starship Officer |
Captain Antilles |
Communication Officer |
Wuher |
Doctor Evazan |
Ponda Baba |
Reg Thomason |
Peter Diamond |
Rusty Goffe |
Communication Officer |
Tusken Raider |
Garouf Lafoe |
Stormtrooper |
Death Star Trooper |
Kabe |
Christine Hewett |
Angela Staines |
Jack Purvis |
Mark Austin |
Derek Lyons |
Brea Tonnika |
Senni Tonnika |
Chief Jawa |
Medal Bearer |
Palace Guard |
Harold Weed |
Marcus Powell |
Larry Ward |
John Ketteringham |
Rycar Ryjerd |
Rebel Pilot Ryle Torsyn |
Alan Harris |
Ron Conrad |
Wendy Leech |
Stenson Falke |
Leia's Rebel Escort |
War Room Controller |
Darth Vader's Guard |
U3PO |
Stunt double for Anthony Daniels |
Imperial Officer |
Francis Batsoni |
Basil Tomlin |
Alf Mangan |
Chris Bunn |
Cantina Patron |
Cantina Patron |
Takeel |
Stormtrooper |
Cantina Patron |
Rebel Pilot [Studio Shot] |
Stuart Myers |
Sally Sinclair |
Nick Joseph |
Pam Rose |
Dave Holland |
Jenny Cresswell |
Mos Eisley Citizen |
Mos Eisley Citizen |
Medal Bearer |
Cantina Patron (Leesub Sirln) |
- Grondom Muse - Rebel Officer |
Cantina Patron |
Bill Westley |
Patrick Jordan |
David Bailey |
Jack 'Kid' Berg |
Barbara Frankland |
Rebel Pilot |
Imperial Officer Cass |
Wioslea |
Rebel Officer |
Morts Werl |
Saurian |
Bob Spiker |
Mardji - the Elephant |
Penny McCarthy |
Tiffany Kurtz |
Tusken Raider on Bantha |
Bantha |
Kardue'sai'Malloc (Cantina Patron) |
Jawa |
Feltipern Trevagg (Cantina Patron) |
Jawa |
Alan Fernandes |
Annette Jones |
Charlie Gray |
Simon Henderson |
Tusken Raider |
Mosep Binneed |
General Trech Molock |
Mos Eisley Citizen |
Rebel Technician |
Mos Eisley Jawa |
Michael Leader |
Sadie Eden |
Laine Liska |
Stormtrooper |
Reegesk |
Nalan Cheel |
Muftak |
Hm Dazon - Cantina Patron |
Syd Wragg |
Mags Kavanaugh |
Colin Skeaping |
Ted Western |
Imperial Officer |
Rebel Soldier |
Stunt Double for Carrie Fisher |
Devin Cant |
Stunt Double for Mark Hamill |
Merc Sunlet |
Kim Falkinburg |
Diana Sadley |
John Chapman |
Ron Watkins |
Djas Puhr |
Arleil Schous |
Lak Sivrak |
Nabrun Leids |
Gil Viray - Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Pilot |
Peter Roy |
Lorne Peterson |
Anthony Forrest |
Melissa Kurtz |
Rebel Engineer |
War-Room Controller |
Corporal Osleo Prennert |
Stormtrooper |
Fixer (Deleted Scene) |
Jawa |
Phil Tippett |
Mandy Morton |
Laurie Goode |
Figrin D'an - Cantina Band |
M'iiyoom Onith |
Myo |
Swilla Corey |
Saurin |
John Forgeham |
John Wreford |
Ian Selby |
George Stock |
Tim Condren |
Captain Bolvan |
Lieutenant Hija |
General Hurst Romodi |
- Yerka Mig - Cantina Patron |
Pashna Starkiller |
Stormtrooper |
Ron Tarr |
Paul Bannon |
Tommy Weldin |
Frazer Diamond |
Derek Chafer |
Bill Weston |
- Ront Byrnloo - Jabba's Henchman |
Stormtrooper |
Gela Yeens |
Jawa |
Stormtrooper |
Stormtrooper |
Mike Mungarvan |
Arthur Howell |
Frank Henson |
David Eynon |
Robert Ramsey |
Stormtrooper |
Stormtrooper |
Stormtrooper |
Hol Okand |
Hangar Bay Rebel |
Cantina Patron |
Robert Clarke |
Julie Sharpe |
Bill Risley |
Rebel General |
Imperial Officer |
Sergeant Torent |
Protocol Droid |
Cantina Patron |
Rebel Pilot |
Giles Melville |
Alan Troy |
Kelly Varney |
Clive Bennett |
Tim Donaldson |
Christopher Matthews |
Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Technician |
Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Pilot |
Jawa |
Puck Naeco - Rebel Pilot |
David Atkin |
Jon Berg |
Mykel Mills |
Norton Clarke |
Robert Driscoll |
Rebel Technician |
Momaw Nadon Puppeteer |
Stop-Motion Animator for Holochess Game |
Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Pilot |
Henry Roberts |
Martyn Read |
Reg Harding |
Keith Ashley |
Douglas Cooper |
Anj Zavor |
Stormtrooper |
Falling Stormtrooper |
Guard at Cellblock AA-23 |
Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Pilot |
Martin Terry |
Eileen Bellson [Studio Shot] |
John William Ault |
Walter Henry |
Marjie Purvis |
Bill Westley |
Rebel Technician |
Nimbanel |
Commander |
Rebel Officer |
Mos Eisley Citizen |
Rebel Pilot |
Isaac Grand |
Terry Sartain |
James Muir [Studio Shot] |
Mike Havord [Studio Shot] |
Joe Johnston [Visual Effects] |
Cantina Patron |
Rebel Technician |
Rebel Pilot |
Imperial Officer |
Stormtrooper 1 |
Stormtrooper 2 |
Nelson Hall |
Jerry Baker |
Ted Gagliano |
Keith Swaden |
Koo Stark |
Peter Barbour |
Stormtrooper on Dewback |
Scanning Crew |
Stormtrooper with Binoculars |
Stormtrooper |
Camie (Deleted Scene) |
Stilt Monster (Deleted Scene) |
Colin Michael Kitchens |
Peter Dukes |
Richard King |
Malcolm Weaver |
Roy Staite |
Voices of 2 Stormtroopers |
Rebel Pilot |
Hangar Bay Rebel |
Imperial Officer |
Dannik Jerriko |
Terence McGovern |
Robert Davies |
Geoffrey Moon |
Robin Clarke |
Voices of 3 Stormtroopers |
Cantina Patron |
Cantina Patron |
- Wullf Yularen - Rebel Officer |
George Oliver |
Vass Anderson |
Tom Sylla |
Mark Kirby |
David Ankrum |
Cantina Patron |
War Room Controller |
Rebel Base Loudspeaker Voice |
Rebel Soldier |
Dubbed voices of Colin Higgins and Denis Lawson (Red Two - Wedge Antilles) |
George Leech |
Andrea Wickman |
Joe Weber |
Barry Summerford |
Les Conrad |
Clay Hunter |
Rebel Soldier |
Jawa |
Jawa |
Stormtrooper |
Stormtrooper |
Stormtrooper |
Doug Beswick |
Jay Benedict |
Andrew Andreas |
Lew Hooper |
Anthony Lang |
Cantina Band Member Lirin Car'n |
Greedo Face Controller |
Deak (Deleted Scene) |
Rebel Pilot |
Rebel Technician |
Rebel Technician |
Terry Cade |
Ben Burtt |
Unknown Male 339 |
Unknown Male 347 |
Stormtrooper |
Rebel Base Loudspeaker Voice |
Deathstar Loudspeaker Voice |
Rebel Pilot |
Boelo |
Images by Woody Anders |
Images by Ann Onimous |
Images by D.J. |
Stuart Myers Sally Sinclair Nick Joseph Pam Rose Walter Henry Jenny Cresswell Dave Holland David Stone Jack 'Kid' Berg - Rebel Officer Bob Spiker Melissa Kurtz Tiffany Kurtz Alan Fernandes Annette Jones Charlie Gray Patrick Jordan Tim Donaldson Simon Henderson Michael Leader Sadie Eden Laine Liska Laurie Goode George Leech Alan Harris - War Room Controller Syd Wragg Colin Skeaping ... Stunt Double for Mark Hamill Mags Kavanaugh Peter Roy ... War-Room Controller Anthony Forrest x2 Jerry Baker Lorne Peterson Roy Staite John Forgeham John Wreford Ian Selby Ron Tarr Tommy Weldin Frazer Diamond Derek Chafer Bill Weston Mike Mungarvan Julie Sharpe Joe Johnston x2 Marjie Purvis Keith Swaden Victor Gallucci Terence McGovern x3 Vass Anderson Tom Sylla Koo Stark Peter Barbour Wendy Leech -Stunt double for Anthony Daniels Joe Weber Frank Henson - Rebel Soldier Andrea Wickman Barry Summerford Clay Hunter Les Conrad Jay Benedict Richard Graydon |
Anthony Lang Robert Ramsey Ron Watkins Dennis Plenty Giles Melville Alan Troy Kelly Varney John Chapman Clive Bennett Bill Risley Christopher Matthews David Atkin George Stock - Pashna Starkiller Jack Klaff Laurie Goode - Rebel Pilot Mykel Mills Norton Clarke Robert Driscoll Arthur Howell Frank Henson - Stormtrooper David Eynon x2 Henry Roberts Martyn Read Reg Harding Andrew Andreas Keith Ashley Douglas Cooper Martin Terry Eileen Bellson Chris Bunn - [Studio Shot] Bill Westley Mike Havord Terry Sartain Unknown Male 339 Peter Dukes Richard King Jack 'Kid' Berg - Morts Werl Robert Davies Geoffrey Moon Kim Falkinburg - Arleil Schous Kim Falkinburg - Lak Sivrak Diana Sadley Penny McCarthy - Feltipern Trevagg Phil Tippett- M'iiyoom Onith Phil Tippett- Myo Mandy Morton Lew Hooper |
Alfie Curtis Richard Bonehill Trevor Butterfield Paul Springer |